Links and useful resources

Here is a list of links and useful resources I've found and developed that can be used by teachers to enhance the classroom experience:

ICT resource (
This is a website I discovered through a friend of mine. It's a social networking site, similar in nature and format to Twitter that is used to share documents. People can join, create and upload their documents to be shared with others, as well as being able to download other people's documents for their own uses too. I think this is a great concept, and can see how valuable this would be for teachers. With this site teachers are able to access and share rescources for the classroom. I joined and uploaded my ICT resource as part of an assessment.

The ICT rescource I developed is a Power Point presentation on Fireworks. It is designed to be used for Creative Arts but could also be used for HSIE in examining cultures or the topic on celebrations. The Power Point was also created to be a visual stimulus to evoke discussion and for students to examine the different types of fireworks, their different shapes, colours, patterns and lines; rather than to use the Power Point as a platform to relay copious amounts of information. Incorporating a Power Point presentation into a subject such as Creative Arts is an example of how ICT can be used across all KLAs. ICT should not just be limited to the more traditional subjects such as English, it should be included where ever possible to allow students to really become familiar with technology. After all, in the next ten years or so, it is more likely technology is going to advance rapidly than go backwards; thus, it is our responsibility as educators to prepare students for this.

Crayola website:
This site has many colouring pages and worksheets designed for students and children for most KLAs, including: English, Maths, Science and Social Studies. There are also lesson plans for teachers.

The Surfing Scientist:
This is a great way to incorporate science in the classroom. On the website there are lesson plans for teachers. I was fortunate to see The Surfing Scientist at one of my school visits, and he was excellent! All the students seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience. Schools are able to register to have him come to their school.

Behind the News
Behind the News is a great way to incorporate news and current affairs in the classroom; it is very important that us as educators do this. The earlier students are encouraged to have an awareness of news and current affairs issues, the better. Behind the News is very engaging and appropriate for primary school students. It is specifically designed to be included in the classroom and there is a great teacher's resource section on the website that has many activities and teaching strategies to use Behind the News effectively. The archive section on the site also means teachers have all the episodes at their finger-tips and don't need to worry about pre-recording the program the night before.