Introduction and purpose

Hello and welcome to my blog! As part of my teaching course, we have been given an assessment that requires us to create a blog. This space will be devoted to reflections of my school visits (one day a week for five weeks) that are supported by academic material. The purpose of this site is for me, as a Pre-Graduate Teacher, to demonstrate and show evidence of my professional knowledge, practice and commitment to the profession. A blog also requires the use of ICT skills, which are critical for teaching in schools today. In this technological age, it is important teachers prepare and equip their students with the skills needed to prepare them for life out in the real world. In addition, it is important for teachers to develop the ability to reflect, which is important for self management. Teaching is an ever learning process. As Pre-Graduate teachers we need to monitor our work, and reflect on what works, what doesn't work, and be able to devise ways to improve upon our teaching. These tasks are difficult without reflection, and this is how this blog can assist.